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" Let your words take you on a journey of self discovery. 
When you change your words, you change your world "


Words exist like winged energy, transporting us to places high and wide. Words link each of us together as human beings. Words can paint pictures and move us to tears or to joy. Words can expand our consciousness until there are no words for the experience.

Finding my way

It’s always darkest before the light….

If you’re struggling, if everything seems too hard.

If you feel like everything within you is ready to break apart.

It probably is…

But trust, in yourself, in your light, in what you’re here to do.

I see you and I hear you

I posted these exact words on my personal Facebook page a few weeks ago - and most of what I post is to help and support others because through doing that I'm supporting and helping myself both with where I am or where I have been previously.

I've been here before, the darkness is a place I recognise where I feel like everything is closing in on me and I can't breathe - it's not new and it won't be the last time. And for the record this is not depression - it is merely a moment (or moments) in time that I am navigating. Struggling, being challenged, facing myself - its all part of life. We all experience it, repeatedly.

Because let me say this clearly - life isn't meant to be sunshine and roses every day.

We all have an emotional set point - which is the set level of happiness that runs through our lives, balanced out by positive and good experiences, or negative and bad experiences.

If we didn't have the lows we wouldn't discover how strong we are or what we are capable of - because from every challenge or low point we hurt, we cry and we learn, and on the flip side - the highs remind us of all we have to be grateful for and just what is possible.

As we navigate our human experience, certain physical and mental factors will influence our well being and emotions.

We largely can't change our DNA, and sometimes our circumstances feel far beyond our control - but those intentional activities we choose to incorporate into our lives can go a long way to influencing or changing our circumstances. Think coaching, meditation, exercise, healthier eating, walking in nature, learning something new, removing ourselves from toxic situations, journaling - whatever works for you.

The best thing we can do is find ways to minimse the extreme highs and lows and we can do this by making decisions based on what's best for us, not on what others expect of us. By choosing activities that create balance in our lives, and by doing things which make us feel good long term not resorting to things which give us a short tem high yet are unsustainable long term.

I have made some firm decisions over the last few weeks and have done what was needed for my own well-being rather than what was expected or assumed. I had to remind myself that I had the power within me to control the darkness, and just because I'd lost my way it didn't mean I didn't know how to turn back towards the light.

If that's you and you're feeling lost - remind yourself that only you hold the power for change through the intentional actions you take. And if necessary - find someone to help you., because asking for help can be the first intentional action you take.

Cheers, Fi

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