Day 6 - Sea lions and mud

Sceale Bay - Point Labatt - Port Kenny - Venus Bay

Today was such a nice chilled day of exploring the local area and having some down time. How I love downtime, sitting in the sunshine reading and writing this afternoon is my idea of bliss.

We had a leisurely start to the day, wandered into town and checked out the local cafe - which is an awesome setup that gives me lots of ideas for when I eventually setup Inspiration House. It’s also the place to go and was packed - well as packed as a Covid aware business can be. We visited the butcher, craft shop and op shop - love country towns that have personality. Streaky Bay has by far been my favourite place we’ve visited.

Then we took a drive to Point Labatt Conservation Park which is supposed to be the only permanent sea lion breeding colony in Australia. Beautiful scenery again with blue and turquoise coloured waters that no photo can do justice to. Today was just an amazing day weather wise with blue skies, white fluffy clouds and no wind, and better yet only a few sprinkles of rain here and there.

The sea lion colony could be viewed from a 50 metre high viewing platform and to be honest was a little underwhelming. I guess it is winter so maybe there’s not as many sea lions around - where does a sea lion go anyway? We got to see about 6 or 7 who were sunning themselves on rocks and binoculars were essential to really see anything (third and fourth photos if you look really closely lol) Either way the drive was nice.

Then we took the dirt road back past Murphys haystacks on our way to Port Kenny for lunch, we were told the hotel is one of the best places to get a seafood lunch, so being dutiful tourists we did our bit. This road is where we encountered the mud - the slip sliding, wheel spinning type of mud. He who loves slip sliding and wheel spinning was smiling, me not quite so much.

There are many dirt roads around here and they are truly the best dirt roads I’ve ever driven on and are extremely well maintained, however a week of rain and then it’s a bit of a different story in one or two places. One of which we found today...

When we got to Port Kenny for lunch the mud was falling off in chunks, yes we look like tourists in our dirt covered, mud caked car. And yes the meal was worth the drive, I had prawns and Pete had whiting and the local pub dog, a beautiful big Rottweiler oversaw our dining experience.

There’s something about country towns and the people you meet and the stories they share which makes travelling so much fun. The owners of this particular pub have come from the Gold Coast after a life of driving trucks they decide on a sea change to run a pub, which overlooks the beautiful Venus Bay. In the owners words ‘you never know what’s behind what you actually see until you move in and then the fun begins’

What an adventure - brave changes, big steps...but you’ll never know if you only ever think about doing these things.

So what big steps have you thought about and not taken action on yet? And more importantly, what will it take to make you just do it?

Keep smiling, Fi 🌻